Blue-White Flexflo A-100N Peristalic Metering Pump
With the patented Tube Failure Detection System
The TFD System is breakthrough
technology for Peristaltic
Metering Pumps. Blue-White
was the fi rst to introduce this type
of feature on peristaltic pumps,
and the only manufacturer able
to offer the Patented TFD System (U.S. Patent 7,001,153). The TFD System is able to detect a wide range of chemicals (i.e. chlorine, acids, soaps, etc.). This exclusive technology was designed to disregard pump compatible fl uids; such
as water and lubricants. If there is a rupture in the pump tube, and a chemical is
detected in the pump head, the pump will automatically shut off and energize
a relay, permitting communications with external equipment, such as an alarm
or a SCADA system. The chemical must be cleaned from the pump head before
the pump will restart. The TFD System is a Standard Feature on Blue-White’s
FLEXFLO and FLEXPRO Peristaltic Chlorinators.
- Outputs to 95.1 GPD, pressures to 100 PSI.
- Precise 5-100% output control adjustment knob (3-60 seconds).
- Tube Failure Detection system (TFD).
- Exceptional tube life.
- Self priming against maximum line pressure.
- Output amount is not effected by changes in back pressure.
- Includes tubing, injection/check, and mounting hardware.
- Durable housing of rugged Valox.
- Separate electronics compartment for corrosion resistance.
- Advanced cooling system.